Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday's Pics, A Day Late.....

Saturday's weather was ugly. It snowed and the wind howled for the majority of the time we were hiking. We found 13 horns, and D did a great slide move down a big snow drift. He said he slid about 30 feet and didn't stop until he ran out of snow. I was on the other side of the ridge, so I didn't get to see. I was bummed to miss it. :) Anyhoo, not a bad day overall, but my butt stayed cold for a long time until I soaked in a hot tub to warm it up..... (And to think I do this for fun...?)


Amy said...

I can't believe you find so MANY. It's amazing to me. Is it a seasonal thing, or can you find them all the time? That does look really fun.

Rhoda said...

VERY seasonal, and very competitive. Tons of people go out and it is a contest to see who gets there first. If you go too early, the elk still have their horns, and you are walking your arse off for nothing!! We are lucky that we have some private property to hunt on so we don't have to share our space. :)We will keep going out until mid May or so, then we'll be done for this year.

Rhoda said...

..And you dont always find so many. I have no idea how many miles i walked before I EVER found one. I thought this was the stupidest thing a person could do....


Looks like Rhonda's been held hostage by those dern dust bunnies again. Someone buy that girl a Roomba so she'll have more time to blog!

Sam said...

She had to travel out of town to see her nephew turn 6. :)