Saturday, May 3, 2008

Top Ten Tuesday........Saturday Edition :)

Things I Love About My Home Town

  1. Basketball games: The whole town turned out to watch basketball games. It was so fun, and EVERYBODY was there.
  2. Bon Fires in the woods: Frequently the teenagers would go to the hills and build big fires, where we would proceed to stand around and drink beer. There were always great stories the next day..... some true, some not so much.
  3. Safety: We felt safe to walk wherever we wanted. We knew everyone, so we knew who the wierdos were, and we avoided them.
  4. Rednecks: I love the redneck attitude. Most people from home are God fearing people who have a very strong sense of right and wrong. They really try not to overcomplicate things. (of course I am totally generalizing, here....)
  5. Rivalry in sports among local schools: Some of the most thrilling times in my growing up live involved intense sports contests between us and our rival schools. Those times were awesome.
  6. District and State tournaments in Baker: Our district tournaments were always in Baker, and we had a blast there! I don't even remember if we won, but being there is a great memory.
  7. The Booster Club: We helped with many fundraisers over the years, from serving pie and coffee after basketball games to helping with a pit barbecue to concessions. Mom and Dad were really involved, so we ended up helping, too.
  8. Lip Syncs: We did these for school fundraisers about twice a year. They were a hoot!
  9. Going to Town: When we got old enough to drive, going to John Day to run around was one of the best things to do. We would cruise by baseball practice and pick out our favorite player to drool over. Then we'd go get a pop, drive around some more, and go home.
  10. Family atmosphere: If we had any problems, we could find about any adult from MV, and they were always willing to help out. On the same token, they were willing to call our parents if we were seen doing things we had no business. Didn't like it so much then, but as a parent it seems like a great feature.


jlcumber said...

Makes me want to go back and move to MV to go to high school. :)

Amy said...

Me too. I always did anyway, and now I remember why. I hope our small schools will give my kids some similiar experiences.

Thanks for playing, busy lady :)


I loved this post, but I want my music trivia back! How else am I supposed to show my superiority? hahaha

Sam said...

Lip Syncs. Of course!! Tony Williams, Mark Allen... funny stuff. Good post! I agree with all of them!

M and M said...

I Agree too Rhoda. What a great time we had raising kids... Good stuff Mom