Monday, March 31, 2008

Monday Afternoon.....

Now I'm going one hundred and twenty
as fast as I can go
The rambler pulls along side of me
__________(forgot this line)____

a) song name
b) line I forgot
c) who sang it? (Idontknowthisone)


Amy said...

Wait, wait, wait, I need to run a hundred miles an hour around our coffee table to revive this memory.

Little Nash Rambler? That's all I've got. I'm sure Sam & Auntie know it.


Beep Beep! (beep beep, his horn went beep beep beep) if we were going slow

The Playmates

OH MY GOSH! I wish we'd had video cameras in those days. How many miles do you think we ran around that coffee table in your parents' living room? Good memories!

Sam said...

AHHHH!!!! GOOD STUFF, RHO!!! Geez, yes, we did go miles and miles, did we not? And the torch has been passed, my fair cousins. My kids love that BIG CD that Mom has played for them, it has the BEEP BEEP song on it!

jlcumber said...

I am so lost. I swear I don't remember this.