Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Top Ten not Tuesday... Inappropriate Music for Special Occasions

  1. Don't even know my last name.....Hairy Underwear
  2. I hate myself for loving you..... Joan Jett
  3. Wasted days and wasted nights..... Freddy Fender
  4. One's on the way.......Loretta Lynn
  5. Did I shave my legs for this?........Mindy McCready (i think)


  1. Into the fire..........Scorpions (i think)
  2. Thank God and Greyhound she's gone......Roy Clark
  3. I'd be better off in a pine box........ Doug Stone
  4. Raising hell.......Run DMC
  5. Do you know where you're gonna go?...... Audio Adrenaline

Ok here's mine. I copied Sam and only gave 5 on each. Enjoy



Bravo, bravo! Now, who else is in the mood for a bit o' Rhonda music trivia? Anyone? Anyone?

Sam said...

Love Don't even Know My Last Name and Into the Fire. Good 'uns. I think it's Deana Carter for the other one. Don't worry about using Roy Clark...why not! I am listos por trivia de musica! In other words...BRANG it ON!!